Richard Freedman
Professor, Department of Music, Haverford College
Le Studium Visiting Researcher (January-May 2025)
Musicology in a Digital age
Carlo Bosi
Mozarteum University & Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Le Studium / FIAS Research Fellowship (October 2024-July 2025)
The “Chansonnier de Bayeux”: An Early 16th-Century Monophonic Source and its Polyphonic Relatives
John Cooper
Professor, Department of History, University of York
Le Studium Research Fellow (September 2024-January 2025)
Royal Journeys, Palaces and Pageantry in England and France (1460-1589): Establishing a Comparative and Multidisciplinary Methodology
Vilena Vrbanić
Academy of Music, University of Zagreb
CNRS Researcher Engineer — analysis of historical sources (September-December 2024)
Tablatures project
Javier Marín López
Professor, University of Jaén
Visiting Professor, University of Tours (March-April 2024)
Francisco López Capillas and the Quadruple Mass for the Dedication of the Cathedral of Mexico (1656): Towards an Aural Recreation
Lorenzo Tunesi
Ph.D., Department of Music, Stanford University
Chateaubriand Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences (February-May 2024)
Research interests include late medieval and renaissance music in Italy and France
Guillaume Avocat
Researcher associate, CRIHAM, Poitiers
CNRS Research Engineer (analysis of historical sources)
Anne-Sophie Haillot
Grant Holder Manager COST Earlymuse
Michael Justin O’Connor
Professor, University of South Australia
Visiting Professor, University of Tours (May-July 2023)
Expert of cultural economy theory, research and projects
Eugeen Schreurs
Professor, Royal Conservatoire Antwerpen (Belgium)
Le Studium Research Fellow (January-July 2023)
Music, Performance and Context: The Collegiate Church of our Lady in Antwerp in a European and Multidisciplinary Perspective (c. 1352-1566)
Alexander Robinson
Research associate, University of Basel
Marie Curie Research Scholar, University of Tours
AVIGNONMUSIC: Music, Religion and Civic Identity in Renaissance Avignon (c.1500–1630)
Vilena Vrbanić
Academy of Music, University of Zagreb
Ricercar Fellow (October-December 2022)
Tablatures project
Emanuela Vai
Researcher, Worcester College, University of Oxford (Great Britain)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours (June 2022)
Monstruous Materialities: Musical Instruments and the Matter of Renaissance Music
Fabrice Fitch
Composer and Musicologist, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow (Great Britain)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours (October 2021)
La messe Scaramella de Jacob Obrecht : autour d’une reconstruction
Francesca Fantappiè
Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations, University of Milan
Marie Curie Research Scholar, University of Tours
Financing Festivals, Music and Theatre: Real Expenses and Fictional Expenditures in France between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Esperanza Rodriguez Garcia
Department of Music, University of Madrid
Marie Curie Research Scholar, University of Tours
Experiencing Historical Soundscapes: the Royal Entries of Emperor Charles V in Iberian Cities
Eugeen Schreurs
Professor, Royal Conservatoire Antwerpen (Belgium)
Le Studium Fellow
Music in the collegiate church of Our Lady in Antwerp (c.1370 – c.1530): An European hub?
Richard Freedman
Professor of Musicology, Haverford College (U.S.A.)
Le Studium Fellow
The imitative Renaissance masses
Graeme Boone
Professor of Musicology, Ohio State University (U.S.A.)
Le Studium Fellow
Dufay and the emotions
Zhuqing (Lester) Hu
Assistant Professor, University of California Berkeley (U.S.A.)
Chateaubriand Fellow
La musique entre empirisme et occultisme dans la conquête mandchoue de la Chine (c. 1660-1710)
2016 and 2018
Cédric Cossou
Testeur QA chez ProwebCE Edenred (France)
Ricercar Fellow
Musi2R project: Musiques dans les résidences royales
Mathilde Dutertre
Adjointe au chef du service numérisation, BnF (France)
Ricercar Fellow
Musi2R project: Musiques dans les résidences royales
Peter Bennett
Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (Canada)
Le Studium Fellow
Musique, liturgie et pouvoir : les entrées royales de Louis XIII à Paris et en province, 1610-1643
Émeline Marot
Responsable d’opération bâti, Atemporelle, Scop (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France)
LAT and Ricercar Fellow (CITERES/CESR)
ReViSMartin project: Renaissance virtuelle dans la collégiale Saint-Martin de Tours
Javier Pino
Backend developper, Pongo (Paris)
Ricercar Fellow
Music engraving / Music encoding (MEI): Picardy Musical Heritage and Renaissance Music in Croatia
David Dolata
Professor of Musicology, Florida International University (U.S.A.)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Tablatures project
John Griffiths
Honorary Professor of Musicology, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Tablatures project
Alberto Napoli
Artistic production office, Theater Orchester Biel Solothurn (TOBS)
Ricercar Fellow
Gesualdo online project
Antoine Tanguy
Developper web, Levio (Canada)
Ricercar Fellow
CUMUSI project: Cubiculum Musicae
ANR project: Music and musicians in the French Saint-Chapels
Magnus Williamson
Professor of Early Music, Newcastle University (Great Britain)
Le Studium Fellow
DIPERMUR: DIspositifs de la PERformance MUsicale à la Renaissance
Fanch Thoraval
Lecturer, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium)
Ricercar Fellow
ANR project: Music and musicians in the French Saint-Chapels
Dinko Fabris
Professor of Musicology, University of Basilicata (Italy)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Tablatures project
Stefano Lorenzetti
Professor of Musicology, Conservatorio di Musica di Vicenza (Italy)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Music and education in the Renaissance Italian courts
Daniel Russo-Batterham
Research Data Specialist, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Ricercar Fellow
Tablatures project
Matteo Giuggioli
Researcher, University of Roma Tre
Research Scholar, University of Tours
Marie Curie Actions Intra-European Fellowships (IEF)
Musical iconography project: Représenter la partition
Patrice Nicolas
Professor of Musicology, University of Moncton (Canada)
Ricercar Fellow
ANR project: Music and musicians in the French Saint-Chapels
Francesco Pezzi
PhD Student, University of Augsburg (Germany)
Ricercar Fellow
European Project on Renaissance Music in Croatia
Philip Weller †
Professor of Musicology, University of Nottingham (Great Britain)
Le Studium Fellow
Fifteenth-century anonymous masses: from the repertoire to the stylistic musical analyses
Marco Gurrieri
CNRS Researcher Engineer, Iremus, Paris (France)
Ricercar Fellow
Projects: Aux confins de l’Humanisme-Monde Slave et Culture méditerranéenne (CHuM, European project), Personae: Personnes, Réseaux de Sociabilité et Nouvelles Approches de l’Espace, Gesualdo Online, Prosopography of Renaissance Singers, Citations: The Renaissance Imitation Masses (CRIM), Patrimoine musical en région Pays de la Loire
Marc Busnel
Professional Singer (France)
Ricercar Fellow
Virtual workshop of polyphonic restitutions (Atelier Virtuel de Restitution Polyphonique–AVRP)
Cristina Cassia
Adjunct, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
Ricercar Fellow
Projects: Virtual workshop of polyphonic restitutions (Atelier Virtuel de Restitution Polyphonique–AVRP), Music and musicians in the French Saint-Chapels (ANR Project), Gesualdo Online
Gregorio Bevilacqua
AHRC Research Fellow, Southampton University (Great Britain)
Ricercar Fellow
Research project on instrumental music notation (fourteenth-eighteenth centuries)
Yossi Maurey
Professor of Musicology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Le Studium Fellow
The apotheosis of St Martin: ritual, music, and cult
Maria Semi
Associate Professor, Department of the Arts, University of Bologna
Ricercar Fellow
Projects on philosophy of music
Laurenz Lütteken
Professor of Musicology, University of Zürich (Switzerland)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Grantley McDonald
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford (Great Britain)
Le Studium Fellow
Prosopography of Renaissance Singers
Davy Bernagoult
Ricercar Fellow
Corpus of 15th Century Anonymous Masses (music engraving)
Yoann Bernagoult
Ricercar Fellow
Corpus of 15th Century Anonymous Masses (music engraving)
Zoe Saunders
PhD Musicologist, University of Maryland (U.S.A.)
Chateaubriand Fellow
Anonymous masses in the Alamire manuscripts: towards a new understanding of a repertoire, an atelier, and a Renaissance court
Giovanni Zanovello
Associate Professor of Music, Indiana University Bloomington (U.S.A.)
Ricercar Fellow
Theory of music
Theodor Dumitrescu
Former Assistant Professor, University of Utrecht (Nederland)
Le Studium Fellow
French royal musicians during the reign of Louis XII (1498–1515)
Kate Van Orden
Professor of Musicology, Harvard University (U.S.A.)
Le Studium Fellow
Materialities. Books, Readers and the chanson in sixteenth-century Europe
Margaret Bent
Emeritus Professor of Musicology, Oxford University (Great Britain)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Reinhard Strohm
Emeritus Professor of Musicology, Oxford University (Great Britain)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours
Victor Coelho
Professor of Music, Boston University (U.S.A.)
Visiting Professor, University of Tours