Philippe Vendrix
Since 1994, Philippe has been coordinating the activities of the Ricercar Program, and editing and directing publications for Brepols and Classiques Garnier.
Hyacinthe Belliot
CNRS Engineer (projects administration, documentary resources)
Hyacinthe is a project manager of the national research program Cultural and Creative Industries (PEPR ICCARE). She also manages the financial administration of regional, national and international projects and is in charge of the documentary activity (early musical resources, iconography and sound) contributing to the database, artistic projects, monitoring publications in the Épitome Musical collection and editorial follow-up for the “En Marge!”.
Vincent Besson
CNRS Engineer (editions, databases and MEI projects)
Transcription and music engraving of ancient sources are at the heart of his work. Vincent participates in various research projects in digital humanities and in the development and implementation of new technologies for critical music editing. He is responsible for the follow-up and the realization of the editions (Brepols).
Augustin Braud
CNRS Engineer (analysis of historical sources)
Camilla Cavicchi
CNRS Research Engineer (analysis of historical sources, musical heritage and international projects)
Camilla is in charge of the projects on the musical heritage and of the development of international collaborations. She has published on musical iconography, organology, the history of musical institutions in the Renaissance, and orally transmitted musical repertoires.
Suzy Piat
University Engineer (web development and databases)
Suzy is in charge of the development of the website dedicated to the Ricercar database. She studied art history and IT and has a master degree in digital humanities.
Ailin Arjmand
University Researcher Engineer (analysis of historical sources, AMI Biblissima+ project)
Ailin is in charge to index the manuscripts of “Les tablatures de la collection Albani” project.
Nina Amanbal–Guérin
University Assistant (projects administration)
Nina is the part-time Grant Holder manager (COST CA21161 – Earlymuse – ‘A new ecosystem of early music studies’) and RicercarLab’s administrative and financial assistant.
Philippe Canguilhem
Professor of Musicology, University of Tours
Professor in Musicology at the University of Tours and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. His research focuses on Italian music in the 16th century, with special emphasis on Florentine musical life. He is also interested in improvised counterpoint in the Renaissance and instrumental music in early modern Europe.
David Fiala
Associate Professor, University of Tours
David’s research focuses on the music and careers 15th and 16th centuries musicians, and he has a special interest in Digital Humanities. He has been instrumental in several digital programmes such as Prosopography of Renaissance singers, Music and musicians in the Saint-Chapels and ReviSMartin.
Anne-Madeleine Goulet
CNRS Research Director
Anne-Madeleine is the principal investigator of the ERC programme PerformArt (2016-2022) on the history of performing arts among the Roman nobility in the 17th and 18th centuries by exploiting the extensive documentation contained in the archives of eleven leading aristocratic families.
Solveig Serre
CNRS Research Director
Solveig is the program director of the national research program Cultural and Creative Industries (PEPR ICCARE). Her research focuses on the history of cultural institutions in France (eighteenth to twenty-first centuries) and the history of popular music in France. Her most recent work focuses on the history of the punk scene in France since 1976 (PIND and CONTRECULTOURS projects), and on musical experiments in Covid times (MUSICOVID project).
Cristina Diego Pacheco
Associate Professor, University of Lorraine
Christina’s research interests concern urban music, Renaissance Spanish composers, sacred repertoire and musical lexicology.
Nicolas Andlauer
Lecturer, Académie de Toulouse (France)
Aurelio Bianco
Associate Professor, University of Strasbourg (France)
Marc Busnel
Professional singer (France)
Marie-Alexis Colin
Professor of Musicology, University of Brussels (Belgium)
David Dolata
Professor of Musicology, Florida International University (U.S.A.)
Charles-Yvan Élissèche
PhD Musicologist (Belgium)
Richard Freedman
Professor of Musicology, Haverford College (U.S.A.)
John Griffiths
Honorary Professor of Musicology, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Agostino Magro
Professor, University of Rennes (France)
Pedro Memelsdorff
PhD Musicologist and Music Director (Italy)
Christian Meyer
Musicologist, former CNRS Researcher (France)
Jorge Morales
PhD Musicologist (France)
Kevin Roger
Associate Professor, University of Lorraine (France)
Daniel Saulnier †
PhD and HDR Musicologist, former Research Engineer at the University of Tours (France)
Jacques Szpirglas
PhD Musicologist (France)
Vasco Zara
Professor, University of Rouen (France)